Individuals Choose a letter to show individuals whose family name starts with that letter.A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | (unknown)
Individuals with surname COOL Alive in Year Alive Dead Roots Leaves Birth>100 Birth<=100 Death>100 Death<=100 Reset INDI Name GIVN SURN Birth Place Death Age Place Last Change SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
1 I978 Cool, Bernard BERNARD,COOL COOL,BERNARD estimated 1873
4 before 1968
18 March 2013 - 7:45:15pm M YES YES R
2 I979 Cool, Harry Father: Cool, Bernard Mother: Utz, Rosanna
HARRY,COOL COOL,HARRY estimated 1915
Ohio USA 0 before 2010
18 March 2013 - 7:49:56pm M YES YES
3 I981 Cool, John Father: Cool, Bernard Mother: Utz, Rosanna
JOHN,COOL COOL,JOHN estimated 1915
0 before 2010
18 March 2013 - 7:50:35pm M YES YES
4 I982 Cool, Omer Father: Cool, Bernard Mother: Utz, Rosanna
OMER,COOL COOL,OMER estimated 1915
0 before 2010
18 March 2013 - 7:51:52pm M YES YES
5 I984 Cool, William Father: Cool, Bernard Mother: Utz, Rosanna
0 before 2010
18 March 2013 - 7:52:37pm M YES YES
Given NamesShow parents Total individuals : 5GIVN SURN Show statistics charts SEX BIRT DEAT TREE