Hourglass Chart:
Annechiena Stuut

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Annechiena StuutFemale ‎(I05069)‎
Birth 5 April 1892 -- Delfzijl, Delfzijl, Groningen, Netherlands
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Eilt StuutMale ‎(I04717)‎
Birth 27 December 1857 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 14 November 1940 (Age 82) -- Meppel, Meppel, Drenthe, Netherlands
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Jan Geuchjes StuitMale ‎(I02277)‎
Birth 5 January 1818 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Geuchje Eilts StuitMale ‎(I01122)‎
Birth September 1785 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 23 May 1855 (Age 69) -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Albertje Harms DuinFemale ‎(I02272)‎
Birth 9 October 1784 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 30 August 1827 (Age 42) -- Harlingen, Harlingen, Friesland, Netherlands
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Marijke Jans PronkFemale ‎(I04569)‎
Birth 21 November 1824 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 9 January 1880 (Age 55) -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Heiltje PostemaFemale ‎(I04973)‎
Birth 30 December 1857 -- Groningen, Grongingen, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 22 March 1948 (Age 90) -- Meppel, Meppel, Drenthe, Netherlands

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