Lourens Halsema + Jannetje Maas

Lourens HalsemaMale ‎(I14750)‎
Birth 12 May 1905 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 22 February 1936 (Age 30) -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Bernardus HalsemaMale ‎(I14736)‎
Birth 1840 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Henderica van KootenFemale ‎(I14737)‎
Birth 1842 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Jannetje MaasFemale ‎(I14751)‎
Birth 1883 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Unknown children

Family Group Information   (F5630)
Marriage 12 May 1905 Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Noord-Holland

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage
Archive location Noord-Hollands Archief
General Number of finding aid: 358
Item number: 120
Municipality: Texel
Type of record: Huwelijksakte
Record number: 18
Registration date: 12-05-1905
Groom Lourens Halsema
Age: 24
Place of birth: Texel
Bride Jannetje Maas
Age: 23
Place of birth: Texel
Father groom Bernardus Halsema
Mother groom Henderica van Kooten
Father bride Klaas Maas
Mother bride Aaltje van Heerwaarde
Additional information beroep bg.: werkman; beroep vader bg.: werkman; beroep vader bd.: werkman
Last Change 3 March 2007 - 17:19:46 Last changed by: Admin

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