Henry Vanderkolk + Greitje Bolthouse

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Henry VanderkolkMale ‎(I11915)‎
Birth August 1868 -- Ferrysburg, Ottawa, Michigan
Death 14 April 1936 (Age 67)

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Greitje BolthouseFemale ‎(I11914)‎
Birth 9 July 1879 -- Ferrysburg, Ottawa, Michigan
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Hendrik Klasen BulthuisMale ‎(I06624)‎
Birth 4 August 1833 -- Ulrum, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 18 January 1917 (Age 83) -- Spring Lake, Ottawa, Michigan
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Martje JonkerFemale ‎(I06621)‎
Birth 5 March 1834 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 29 March 1909 (Age 75) -- Spring Lake, Ottawa, Michigan
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Harold H. VanderkolkMale ‎(I11919)‎
Birth 1904 -- Michigan
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Charles Edward VanderkolkMale ‎(I11916)‎
Birth 1908 -- Michigan

Family Group Information   (F4669)
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