Menne Bijl + Klaasjen Lemain

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Menne BijlMale ‎(I09817)‎
Birth 2 November 1838 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands

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Klaasjen LemainFemale ‎(I09816)‎
Birth 7 May 1836 -- Muntendam, Menterwolde, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 August 1891 (Age 55) -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Jelis Hindriks LamainMale ‎(I09795)‎
Birth 11 August 1808 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 August 1891 (Age 82) -- Muntendam, Menterwolde, Groningen, Netherlands
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Hilje Pieters JagerFemale ‎(I09796)‎
Birth 7 March 1802 -- Muntendam, Menterwolde, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 20 January 1874 (Age 71) -- Muntendam, Menterwolde, Groningen, Netherlands
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Hindrik BijlMale ‎(I09818)‎
Birth 10 March 1863 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 11 January 1927 (Age 63) -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Jelis BijlMale ‎(I10852)‎
Birth 27 April 1865 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 27 December 1943 (Age 78) -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Menne BijlMale ‎(I10856)‎
Birth 7 September 1868 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 30 July 1956 (Age 87) -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Hilje BijlFemale ‎(I10854)‎
Birth 16 August 1874 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 13 February 1922 (Age 47) -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Jan BijlMale ‎(I10858)‎
Birth 15 September 1877 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F3907)
Marriage 8 December 1862 Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage ‎‎(Mother bride)‎‎
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Veendam
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 73
Registration date: 08-12-1862
Bridegroom: Menne Bijl
Place of birth: Veendam
Bride: Klaasjen Lemain
Place of birth: Muntendam
Father bridegroom: Menne hindriks Bijl
Mother bridegroom: Maria Harms Timmer
Father bride: Jelis Hindriks Lemain
Mother bride: Hilje Pieters Jager
Additional information: profession bridegroom: touwslagersknecht; profession vader bridegroom.: werkman; profession moeder bridegroom: werkvrouw; profession vader bride: werkman; profession moeder bride: werkvrouw; bridegroom 24 jaar; bride 26 jaar
Last Change 29 May 2007 - 22:52:01 Last changed by: Admin