Klaas Bernardus van Dijk + Maria Hoeksema

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Klaas Bernardus van DijkMale ‎(I04437)‎
Birth 3 December 1911 -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 18 March 1972 (Age 60)

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Maria HoeksemaFemale ‎(I04435)‎
Birth 27 April 1917 -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 12 March 1979 (Age 61) -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
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Jakob Nanning HoeksemaMale ‎(I02667)‎
Birth 25 April 1887 -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 4 March 1970 (Age 82) -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
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Anna van der TuukFemale ‎(I03491)‎
Birth 22 March 1885 -- Kantens, Eemsmond, Groningen, Netherlands
Death -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
Unknown children

Family Group Information   (F1889)
Marriage 5 July 1940 Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands